by Herman Manson (@marklives) Mortimer Harvey has opened a regional office in Cairo, Egypt. Instead of buying its way into African markets, the independent full-service agency intends to establish and grow on the ground, and offer clients access to a team of senior marketers with experience in launching and building brands in Africa.
Tag archives: egypt
Smart Africa TV: Egyptian TV satirist Bassem Youssef on fear as a weapon and satire as antidote
by Russell Southwood (@BalancingActAfr) Speaking at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Egyptian TV satirist Bassem Youssef, creator of the B+ Show (on You Tube) and the TV show Al-Bernameg (roughly translated as The Programme) talks about: using humor and laughter to combat religious fascism and authoritarianism; creating a media that respects people’s intelligence; not buying into the everyday life of propaganda; and satire as a weapon to dissect lies.
Our surprising social media addictions and what they say about us (Infographic) created an infographic illustrating ‘news’ as defined by users of social media.
Human dev should top corporate agenda, says corp VP at Microsoft
The revolutions that have been sparked in the Middle East since the start of the year may have faded in the minds of many Western media consumers but it was still very much on the minds of local speakers at the MEA (Middle East and Africa) region Microsoft Advertising Imagine Istanbul 2011 conference that took place last week in Istanbul, Turkey.
[Netprophet 2011] African ecommerce market has a long way to go
A billion Africans and 50 million bank accounts. In South Africa, credit cards are used by only 16.5% of the population (2008). No African country comes close to 1% of total retail spend spent online – the magic figure which constitutes the tipping point for digital retail growth (in SA, ecommerce has a 0.4% share of the retail market, while in countries such as Egypt and Nigeria, the figure stands at 0.01%). No wonder, then, that the ecommerce market in Africa hasn’t bloomed.
Looking at these numbers, many international ecommerce plays have shifted investment in the African market 5-10 years down the line. But where others fear to tread Oliver Rippel, CEO ecommerce Africa & Middle East at MIH, sees opportunity and first-mover advantage.
For youth market mobile access to information and communication is the answer
Mobility no longer simply refers to motion, it has also come to describe the untethered use of technology on devices like smart phones, both of which seems to have come together in a perfect storm to enable the revolutions currently sweeping the Middle East and North Africa. Setting these revolutions in motion, is the youth, who organise and spread their message using social networks primarily accessed through mobile devices. These platforms are not only changing how young consumers engage with politics but also with commerce and one another.
Egyptian mummies in the Cairo Museum: 24. Egyptian mummies in the British Museum: 300.
George Orwell once observed that: “History is written by the winners.” This thought proves only too true when looking at little known facts of history, when compared to more well-known facts, especially in the realms of conflict, conquest and civilization. Every story has two sides.