Smart Africa TV: Egyptian TV satirist Bassem Youssef on fear as a weapon and satire as antidote

by Russell Southwood (@BalancingActAfr) Speaking at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Egyptian TV satirist Bassem Youssef, creator of the B+ Show (on You Tube) and the TV show Al-Bernameg (roughly translated as The Programme) talks about: using humor and laughter to combat religious fascism and authoritarianism; creating a media that respects people’s intelligence; not buying into the everyday life of propaganda; and satire as a weapon to dissect lies.

Backtrack: How human universals help build great brands

By understanding what humans across the globe have in common, marketers can begin to build brands that create meaningful connections between products and people. Jan Hofmeyr highlights the four most important factors that need to be considered.

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