The ultimate social media strategy is not having one

by Dave Duarte. On Sunday 1st May 2011, Barack Obama announced that Osama Bin-Laden had been killed. The strike against his compound in Pakistan was not televised, but it was tweeted. The thing is, Al-Qaida was already looking irrelevant after the “Arab Spring” – the social-media enabled revolutions that occurred throughout the Middle-East in early 2011.

A question of trust

A new survey on levels of trust between the public and governments, business, NGOs and the media has just been released. The Edelman 2011 Trust Barometer tries to gauge the attitudes regarding the state of public trust in these institutions across 23 countries. Although the survey does not extend to Africa, it does draw some interesting conclusions on how, why and when people trust.

Survival of the ad-apted

I was speaking to Clem Sunter the other day when he told me that in Darwin’s first edition of Origin of the Species, Darwin didn’t talk about survival of the fittest, rather the survival of the adapted. The short code = those who survive (and thrive) are those that adapt the fastest. What Darwin meant was that survival is ensured for those who best fit the environment as it changes.

Listen here: Let’s debate Vivienne Westwood

If you wanted to launch a serious debate on culture, and your name is Vivian Westwood, you would do it using a men’s fashion magazine. Use what you’ve got. Mark admires that.

The Brand Bubble – The Looming Brand Crisis and How to Avoid It

Data from the world’s largest study of consumer attitudes and perceptions on brands reveals that investors are increasingly overvaluing brands while at the same time consumers are losing trust and interest in them. Considering that a third of shareholder value is brand value, this growing disconnect should be of urgent concern to CEOs, marketers, analysts and investors.

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