by Martin MacGregor. I’ve sat in meetings where creative, marketing and procurement have all passionately argued their corner with no compromise.
Category archives: Media Redefined – Martin MacGregor
Media Redefined: Putting the Cannes Media Lions into context
by Martin MacGregor. Any media strategy’s goal should be to put the advertising message into context so that it is fully understood.
Media Redefined: Getting upfront return on luck in New York
by Martin MacGregor. Upfronts is where the networks introduce or reintroduce to media agencies and clients the shows committed to for the TV “season”.
Media Redefined: Killing LSMs and getting back to reality
by Martin MacGregor. The most-anticipated part of the recent Establishment Survey launch has been the relook at LSMs.
Media Redefined: Fake news and market research
by Martin MacGregor. The research we’ve relied on to make key marketing and media decisions has been, at best, very top-level and, at worst, just plain wrong.
Media Redefined: Digital landfill or digital gold?
by Martin MacGregor. The debate has been raging recently about whether digital advertising is everything it has been claiming to be.
Media Redefined: Super Bowl moments in the age of Netflix
by Martin MacGregor: Understanding “Super Bowl moments” and what will work when advertising during them, has now become key.
Media Redefined: Video killed every star
by Martin MacGregor. Every time I’ve googled marketing or media trends for 2017, one word has come up overwhelmingly: video.
Media Redefined: Well-earned, Donald Trump
by Martin MacGregor. It’s clear that Donald Trump has rewritten the rule book on presidential-campaign media-buying strategies.
Media Redefined: WhatsApp’s perfect media strategy
by Martin MacGregor. Just like when you’re on WhatsApp, a brand has a choice in how it’s going to talk to consumers.