by MarkLives. At a time of political crisis, we ask Mike Abel: Should corporate leaders expose their political thinking and address issues of national importance?
Tag archives: industry
Ad workers on go slow
The Creative Recruitment And Producer’s (CRAP) union – which represents copywriters, graphic designers and recruitment agents across the country – has announced that its members are set to embark on a nation-wide strike in a bid to improve wages and working conditions.
The Sounds of Success
Why thinking ‘none of my business’ may mean you should get out of the Business. By Mike Abel, CEO Australia, M&C Saatchi
Apocalypse Now!
With Loeries 2009 looming Mandy de Waal asks whether South Africa’s traditional advertising industry is partying at the end of the world.
Unbalancing the ad industry
Can you have a great job and a great life in the ad industry? Maybe, Mark thinks. By Herman Manson. Reprinted from Mark magazine.
No thanks to scam ads – Loerie Awards
Recent scam ad scandals here and abroad refocused attention on an industry practice that sees work entered into awards that either wasn’t approved by client or never ran in the media. Both are required to legitimately enter into these competitions.
Kill fear. Build agency brands
Retrenchment is out. Innovative salary solutions and redeployment is in, as managers use inexpensive perks to motivate staff during the global financial meltdown.
As budgets dry up online looks up
Despite the global financial slowdown – as nice a way of saying ‘global recession’ as anybody and CNN has been able to come up with – at least one marketing medium will expand its share of the revenue pie, even as others prepare to face cutbacks and closures.
After online ad revenue grew 24% in 2006, 27% in 2007 and 32% in 2008, World Wide Worx researcher Arthur Goldstuck predicts it will grow 32% in 2009. This will see revenue jump from R319 million in 2008 to R419 million this year.
Revealed: What South Africans think about the ad industry
In the US two-thirds of people feel that ad agencies have some responsibility for the current worldwide economic crisis by causing people to buy things they could not afford. How about here in South Africa?
End of the road for GMs Pontiac, Saab, Hummer & Saturn?
The Detroit Free Press is reporting that GM is considering shedding up to four brands as it prepares a plan for the US Congress on how it will apply money from a potential government bail-out to stave off bankruptcy.