by Herman Manson. Fast emerging as South Africa’s most influential website, the Daily Maverick has turned a financial corner, alongside its sister tablet publication iMaverick, according to publisher Styli Charalambous
Tag archives: the daily maverick
Why “it’s only advertising” doesn’t cut it
Herman Manson rebuts “it’s only advertising” – the view presented by Boniswa Pezisa, chairperson of The Loerie Awards.
The geeks have the floor
The fourth annual Bookmarks Awards, the digital industries awards evening and back-slap, was a vast improvement over last year’s chaotic event (read Award-show behaving badly), when several hundred hangers-on crashed the awards evening and the MC Don Packett lost control and his cool.
Alan Knott-Craig Jnr builds an app business
Have you ever seen a Parrot AR.Drone? Alan Knott-Craig Jnr has one and he is happy to show it off, having it lift off as soon as we step into the still-deserted offices (one of three in Stellenbosch) of World of Avatar, his new mobile and media business venture. The Parrot AR.Drone is a toy quadricopter controlled via an iPhone, thanks to its on-board Wi-Fi system.
What makes it cool, in geek terms, other than the fact that you are flying something via an iPhone, is the live video feed from the quadricopter broadcasting to your screen. I joke about bosses flying these things through those vast open air offices checking up on employees. He has a laugh and relaxes a little.
Publishing’s maverick strikes again
Branko Brkic is South Africa’s best-known maverick publisher. He puts out the content every editor (and reader but not necessary advertiser) dreams of getting past the bean counters and corporate lawyers upstairs. He also loves throwing the publishing dice. It often brings him fame, less often fortune, but always sees him pushing the boundaries of modern publishing (and at least from a distance, sometimes, fiscal sense).
Is Branko bonkers or brilliant? By Andrew Trench
I was fascinated to read earlier this week about Daily Maverick’s irrepressable entrepeneur Branko Brkic’s plan to launch SA’s first iPad daily “newspaper” under the Maverick brand. It’s a concept that I’ve been keen on ever since laying my hands on an iPad and I too have spent many hours doing sums on the back of knapkins wondering if they can be made to work.
Where to find the #NetProphet 2011 speakers on Twitter
Want to follow the 2011 NetProphet conference speakers? Look no further. The tag for the event taking place May 12 in Cape Town is #netprophet.
The press muses amusingly
April 1 in the media world is a bit like casual day at school. Everybody pitches but no-one is really there. That’s because we are all browsing to ‘Net to see which scores got settled, who threw the best punch without anybody really realising that’s what it was, and who should we copy next year this time around.
i spy media: The ANC “really deserves to be in power”
The Daily Maverick is turning into a mighty good read. The website, launched by Branko Brkic from Maverick and Empire magazines fame, is fast becoming one of the must read sites in South Africa through its insightful, mostly intelligent and opinionated content.