Ad of the Week: Kulula’s #travelhaters you gonna love

by Oresti Patricios. kulula’s standout commercial comedy always raises chuckles, and its new TVC campaign — from McCann Johannesburg and Hammerhead TV — is alive with the laughs.

Ad Feature: How good does the top of the corporate ladder look?

by MarkLives (@marklives) The Ad Feature team of Andy Rice, Sizakele Marutlulle and Jacob Moshokoa returns to hand out one Hero and two Zeros, as well as chat to Lowe Cape Town’s Kirk Gainsford about #GetMeTo21, the Grand Prix-winning campaign at the recent APEX Awards, celebrating effectiveness in advertising!

The press muses amusingly

April 1 in the media world is a bit like casual day at school. Everybody pitches but no-one is really there. That’s because we are all browsing to ‘Net to see which scores got settled, who threw the best punch without anybody really realising that’s what it was, and who should we copy next year this time around.

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