by Charlie Stewart. We marketers continue to think we’re the only people who should be trusted to handle the complex process of customer acquisition.
Tag archives: programmatic
Clicks ’n Tricks: Performance doesn’t pay off for Adidas
by Charlie Stewart. Simon Peel, Adidas global media director, made a startling but refreshing confession during a talk at the EffWeek conference mid-October 2019.
Clicks ’n Tricks: Time to dump the data management platform?
by Charlie Stewart. The marketing industry’s got itself into a tech-induced fankle of late.
Unorthodoxy: Combating brand indifference & active avoidance
by Gau Narayanan. Our primary marketing challenge is to tackle one thing and one thing alone: mass indifference.
Media Redefined: Programmatic & the curse of the long tail
by Martin MacGregor. I have spent much time recently trying to understand the phenomenon that is programmatic buying, why it came about and why it has been so successful.
Clicks ’n Tricks: YouTube ad controversy doesn’t quite add up
by Charlie Stewart. Mostly, programmatic, AI and ML work, and we hear little about them. But god forbid the machine goes wrong.
Global Headline Makers: Caroline Duret, France
by Mark Tungate. Caroline Duret of RadiumOne’s Paris office makes “data-driven marketing” sound like an exciting career option.
Motive: Why programmatic will kill digital agencies
by Nevo Hadas. In 1996, we had no idea what would happen with the internet; 2016 seems to be driving us the same way.
Beyond Borders: The case for mobile programmatic in Africa
by Craig Page-Lee. It’s clear that advertisers are going to pursue more-targeted audiences.