by Kirsten Dewar. Brands must embrace transparency and ethics in a post-Cambridge Analytica world.
Tag archives: by Kirsten Dewar
Always Learning: Experience at the heart of marketing
by Kirsten Dewar. Understanding why products don’t bring humans lasting happiness is the clue to understanding the future of marketing.
Always Learning: Brand loyalty in an age of influencers
by Kirsten Dewar. The latest research I’m reading paints a worrying picture of how consumers think about brands.
Always Learning: Why storytelling matters to marketers
by Kirsten Dewar. Stories are way more powerful than information because of the way the human brain works and learns.
Always Learning: Nike, Caster Semenya & gender identity
by Kirsten Dewar. Caster Semenya’s story is not only inspirational but holds profound lessons for marketers about women and marketing.
Always Learning: #Woke lessons on marketing to women
by Kirsten Dewar. Remember when Victoria’s Secret was on top of the world?
Always Learning: Why your brand needs to create killer content
by Kirsten Dewar. If you think about it, Bill Gates was the Gary Vaynerchuk of his era.