by Charlie Stewart. Google’s finally given in and agreed to kill third-party cookies.
Tag archives: google
Clicks ’n Tricks: SEO’s not dead yet
by Charlie Stewart. SEO’s just harder to work with — and, for that reason, it’s all the more rewarding for those marketers who have the smarts to get it right.
Clicks ’n Tricks: Google rearranges furniture; drops AdWords, DoubleClick
by Charlie Stewart. While the dry nature of the headline announcement received little media exposure, the move should be of interest for anyone with more than a passing interest in the future of marketing.
Clicks ’n Tricks: Media, look Google Flexible Sampling gift horse in mouth
by Charlie Stewart. The two alternatives Google is offering publishers under its Flexible Sampling programme may not be all they seem.
Media Future: Apple is great, but no ecosystem
by Arthur Goldstuck. One common myth of pairing smartphone and computer choices is the idea of needing to buy into an ecosystem.
Clicks ’n Tricks: Google’s ad-blocking Catch 22
by Charlie Stewart. Early in June 2017, Google came out with a double-think announcement that would have made George Orwell proud.
Brands & Branding: Clichés vs meaningful company values
by Elsa Gouws. Employees, for the most part, just don’t know what to do with such generic brand values…
#OpenAfrica: Luke Mckend on Google’s African opportunity
an #OpenAfricaMag feature. Google Africa has ramped up its skills programme and aims to train 1m Africans in digital skills over the next year.
The Real McCoy: What’s really in the Alphabet?
by Sean McCoy. Google’s recent transition to Alphabet has triggered thoughts regarding internal branding in a sector driven by tech and innovation.
#TheFutureByDesign: Google’s big brand impact
a #TheFutureByDesign feature. As the biggest brand in the world of technology, how Google operates in Africa will affect the ecosystems of the countries it is active in. The Future By Design speaks to Google’s Luke Mckend about how the mega-brand thinks about the future of Africa and its future in Africa.