ABC Analysis Q3 2013: Content marketing — the 1m club declines

by Herman Manson (@marklives) The latest ABC circulation results show that content marketing (custom magazines) titles lost some ground compared to the same reporting period a year ago – circulation fell to 12,395,274 from 13,427,811. Some 2,195,572 of these were paid for copies. In terms of circulation the DSTV magazines continues to dominate – they are the only magazines with a circulation of over a million.

ABC Analysis Q4 2012: Content marketers see mixed ABC results for custom print titles

The ABC still talks about custom magazines, magazines published on behalf of brands or organisations, even as the companies producing these magazines now prefer to talk about content marketing, and refer to themselves as content marketers rather than publishers.

For the ABC period October 2012 to December 2012, the custom magazine category saw a significant decline as the total number of magazines circulated (per issue) falling to 12,704,431 from 13,416,345. This was primarily because two of the cellular giants pulled the plug on their custom titles. Vodacom discontinued Vodacom Now! (circ 866,090) as did Cell C with its namesake title (circ 126,446). Click sheared nearly 200 000 copies from its club magazine. Dish Commercial (160,424) also closed).

New business focus, units build a braver RamsayMedia

RamsayMedia has been undergoing a strategic transformation over the last three years under the management team lead by MD Stuart Lowe.

John Brown wins triple play, challenges for top content marketer spot

John Brown has quickly become a force to be reckoned with in the South African custom marketing field. It launched in 2007 with Pick n Pay as a client, producing its monthly food magazine, Fresh Living, which has since emerged as the bestselling food title in the country. Now, suddenly, it has grabbed Cell C, Edgars Club and Discovery Health in short succession, shaking up the local custom marketing industry.

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