Dear Digital Grandad: Should my agency have a blog?

Dear @DigitalGrandDad, One of the kids in the office asked me why our agency don’t have a blog. I need an answer that doesn’t make me seem old or lazy.

Dear Old and Lazy

As the saying goes, It’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks, as I am sure you are not Lazy!

I think it is great that you have people in your company that are asking questions about how to further market your company and/or share what you are doing as a cutting edge agency with your intended target market. So without sounding lazy or old, you can share your wisdom, teach and mentor the young enthusiastic kid that ‘LIKE’ anything in Marketing, you can’t just say yes without having a strategic plan? Your answers ‘Old Dog’ should be around planning for example:

Great Little One! I am so glad you asked that question. It is something I have been meaning to look into for ages. However, we don’t have a plan yet.

Coca-Cola Company responds to closure contacted and received the following statement from Kaizer M. Nyatsumba, Public Affairs and Communications Director for Coca-Cola South Africa, regarding the closure of popular MY Coke Fest blog The blog was set up South African blogger Jason Bagley who announced the blogs closure earlier this week following legal action taken by The Coca-Cola Company.

The Top 10 must have tools every African blogger needs to have

There are certain must have tools every African blogger needs in his or her arsenal to optimise their blogs, ensure a happy reading experience for users and to gain useful insights into their readership and community. Here is Mark’s alphabetically ordered list of the ten local and international blogging tools we would not want to live without.

New network links up top creative and business change blogs

Mark is very excited to be part of the newly launched Create Again Blog Network (CAB for short). The aim of the network is to link together quality content blogs covering design, advertising, social media and business change Africa-wide.

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