Galleries of SA vanity plates


Wired ran a cool little story on a gallery of nerdy vanity plates. The gallery was put together by Royal Pingdom and ranged from OPN SRC (Open Source) to GEEK AFK (Geek Away From Keyboard). A quick Google found several SA sites tracking South African vanity plates. Check them out at Aquila Online, VanityplateSA and Ostendo. Plates range from South Africanisms like Ebenz (on a Merc) to the obvious IH82W8 (I hate to wait) on a GP registered BMW. Then there is SORRY 4U2 (also a BMW), BY BY COP GP (again, a BMW, starting to see a trend here) and 18 SNVL on a Polo Playa. A couple of marketers have gotten into the act as well and the blogs feature vanity plates for Motorola (MYMOTO 5), Weber (1GRILL) and Just Letting (ITS LET).

* Image fromVanityplateSA


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