by Mongezi Mtati. What makes for some of the most wildly successful social media communities in South Africa and beyond?
Tag archives: The Word
The Word: Appletiser’s crush on brunettes, or is it blondes?
by Mongezi Mtati (@Mongezi) In instances where brands take accountability for errors on social media, issues subside after a while and their positive followers emerge from the darkness. In other cases, it seems to be a long endless tunnel. Appletiser recently experienced this.
The Word: Turning detractors into dedicated fans
by Mongezi Mtati (@Mongezi) These are those instances when the holy grail of social media strategy comes into effect, when the brand ethos and personality are tested and score top marks.
The Word: Uzzi unceremoniously meets “Arfica”
by Mongezi Mtati (@Mongezi) Two brands recently took centre stage to add some unintentional yet much-needed humour to South Africa’s social web. The reactions (or lack thereof) of Uzzi and Cricket South Africa (CSA) made conversations spread through social media timelines — with different outcomes for both brands.
The Word: Forget viral — build evangelist communities
by Mongezi Mtati (@Mongezi) Brands often approach social media campaigns the same way that they would think of creating a splash in the media about a new product launch.
The Word: The dark art of brand bullying
by Mongezi Mtati (@Mongezi) Brands often find themselves at the mercy of individuals who wield more influence, far greater popularity and trust in their social circles than some of the most celebrated brands.
The Word: Exploding Kittens and the unbroken internet
by Mongezi Mtati (@Mongezi) Unlike the bold claims of attempting to ‘break the internet’, the co-creators of Exploding Kittens set out to rally their existing community members towards what seemed an achievable goal — by Kickstarter standards.
The Word: Proceed with caution — customer ahead
by Mongezi Mtati (@Mongezi) More often than not, when brands launch new products, they tend to want to reach out to the ‘influential’, to the people with a large following. In my less-than-humble opinion, the general perception is still the notion that megaphones increase market share.
The Word: Influence — the double-edged sword
by Mongezi Mtati (@Mongezi) A little influence goes a long way in building traction for campaigns, and it’s that, and the possibility of going viral, that can be beneficial for charity initiatives. Influence, however, may be a double-edged sword, not always eliciting the response you desire.
The Word: Top Brands build customer evangelists
by Mongezi Mtati (@Mongezi) There is a place where digital and old school intersects, a sweet spot where the customer can experience the best of both worlds, and that is where brands should be focusing their efforts.