by Sean McCoy. There is clearly no shortage of leadership material of the wrong kind currently but there is also evidence of the opposite.
Tag archives: The Real McCoy
The Real McCoy: How about people skills?
by Sean McCoy. An obvious, oft-neglected principle is that outstanding service levels are best achieved through committed people with great people skills.
The Real McCoy: What’s really in the Alphabet?
by Sean McCoy. Google’s recent transition to Alphabet has triggered thoughts regarding internal branding in a sector driven by tech and innovation.
The Real McCoy: Build it and they will come
by Sean McCoy. Yes, the people connection and human touch go a long way to build an additional layer of service augmentation, but not alone. Dubai Airports and Emirates show us how to do internal brand engagement properly.
The Real McCoy: A Sorbet by any other name
by Sean McCoy. Would taste as sweet, with apologies to the great William Shakespeare. That may or may not be the case for Sorbet, the dynamic new entrant into the local South African beauty industry.
The Real McCoy: Focus on people, get results that matter
by Sean McCoy (@TheRealMcCoyTRM) The recent acquisition by Brait of 80% of Virgin Active for a sum of £682m (R12.2bn) puts into perspective the value of the Virgin brand and the particular impact of its unique corporate culture, embodied in the founder himself, Sir Richard Branson.
The Real McCoy: Purposeful profit
by Sean McCoy (@TheRealMcCoyTRM) While this column is not political in nature, it poses the question of how we might learn from brand conversations and initiatives internationally, in which social issues are being addressed.
The Real McCoy: Power to the people
by Sean McCoy (@TheRealMcCoyTRM) For all the systems investment, development and focus by business, these are enablers and not the answer to service differentiation — at the end of the day, it is people who make the difference, no matter the industry.
The Real McCoy: Provices and serducts
by Sean McCoy (@TheRealMcCoyTRM) No, this is not a dyslexic distortion of words but a deliberate play on the blurring of the boundaries between products and services and the increasing commoditisation of both.
The Real McCoy: Under-promise and over-deliver
by Sean McCoy (@TheRealMcCoyTRM) In a classic case of the converse, my 2015 has gotten off to a grumpy-consumer start, in the area of technology and wireless broadband services specifically. The example triggers a somewhat vocal view about why organisations should adapt their communication in line with what they are capable of delivering against, and not the other way around.