The Real McCoy: The power of detail

by Sean McCoy (@TheRealMcCoyTRM) My recent immersion in the hospitality industry has brought the notion of internal branding sharply into focus. Notwithstanding that it was at the premium end of the industry, or even extreme premium, the commitment to the role of people in delivering the brand experience was visibly on display and something to digest.

The Real McCoy: A space in time

by Sean McCoy (@TheRealMcCoyTRM) While there a business necessity to optimise space usage and the cost impact of people, there is a need to more deeply consider the role of the internal experience design and its connection to service delivery — in my view, the ultimate opportunity for competitive advantage.

The Real McCoy: Returning the rainbow

by Sean McCoy (@TheRealMcCoyTRM) As the elections become a distant memory and the dust has settled on the parliamentary process, the inauguration ceremony and the new cabinet, it is time to return to work. Ordinary citizens such as you and I — we, too, can make a difference and have a role to play in Brand South Africa.

The Real McCoy: The broken value chain of air travel

by Sean McCoy (@TheRealMcCoyTRM) How complete is our value chain, really, and to what extent are we looking at the service experience across the whole of it? Do we take accountability for the full user journey, or do we pass the buck when service delivery gets tough and problematic, blaming our inefficiencies on a whole host of factors, other than that we’ve never really addressed it internally or possibly just neglect it?

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