by Colwyn Elder. According to Cindy Gallop, advertising has a key role to play in shattering stereotypes and bringing about cultural change.
Tag archives: green sky thinking
Green Sky Thinking: To package or not to? That is the question!
by Colwyn Elder. The over-packaging debate was recently reignited by a photograph of pre-peeled mandarins sold in plastic containers.
Green Sky Thinking: Local solutions to global issues
by Colwyn Elder. The United Nations sustainable development goals are a new set of targets designed to change the world by 2030.
Green Sky Thinking: Are snacks real(ly) food?
by Colwyn Elder. My seven-year-old’s been equally quick to request the chips that have replaced chocolate as a so-called “healthier alternative”.
Green Sky Thinking: Das auto dishonest
by Colwyn Elder. As a much-loved brand, the consequences of VW’s Dieselgate scandal are far-reaching.
Green Sky Thinking: Save us from our lack of self-control
by Colwyn Elder. Product placement is a powerful retail-marketing technique, and moving sweets from checkouts may help save us from ourselves.
Green Sky Thinking: Successful strat for sustainable marketing
by Colwyn Elder. If you’ve read about the benefits of building purpose-driven brands, but remain unsure of what and how to do it, read on.
Green Sky Thinking: Rewards beyond awards
by Colwyn Elder. SA has many opportunities for brands to build societal value beyond their businesses. Will this be reflected in Loeries this year?
Green Sky Thinking: Branding like a Buddhist
by Colwyn Elder (@colwynelder) What with all this talk about finding your brand purpose, creating meaningful connections with customers and making advertising that matters, it would seem that our industry is having a self-help moment.
Green Sky Thinking: Doing well by doing good
by Colwyn Elder (@colwynelder) Of note is that the UK’s IPA Effectiveness Awards has recently announced a new category prize in 2016 to recognise those commercial campaigns that generate not only economic value, but also value to society.