by MarkLives. Two Zeroes, one Hero — FNB, government and adidas — & Retroviral’s Mike Sharman on the new Ford Mustang ad.
Tag archives: government
Why RICA can’t work
Tens of millions of South Africans registered their SIM cards before the RICA deadline to help fight crime. But the system is fatally flawed, writes ARTHUR GOLDSTUCK.
Death and Taxes
I thought there was a ban on cigarette advertising? But apparently, now it’s OK just so long as SARS and the SA government also have something to lose. I refer to the emotive ad above. A massive campaign launched by British American Tobacco (BAT), in December 2010, to highlight the imminent peril of buying illegal cigarettes, which, if you believe the ads, could be worse for your health than smoking.
Nando’s poke fun at shameless ministerial gravy train
Nando’s latest television commercial is a send-up of South Africa’s parliament ministers. Their high-flying spending is used to contrast the latest, good-value offer from Nandos – three peri-peri wings and chips for only R19.95.
The South African Presidency gets funky for the kids
The South African Presidency gets funky for the kids. For more info check out!