by Skye Littlefield. Here are some techniques to ensure you’re reaching the right people on Facebook through performance marketing.
Tag archives: facebook marketing
Training with Facebook’s Blueprint platform
by Megan Hollis. I did all 100+ Facebook Blueprint Training Modules so you don’t have to.
Tech Law: Has Facebook found the balance between targeted ads and privacy?
by Paul Jacobson (@pauljacobson) While the selection effect remains a challenge, Facebook’s announcements at its f8 Developer Conference recently point to a very interesting solution for the potential privacy problem: a vast database of anonymised data segmented into useful demographics.
Growing up Quirky
At Quirk the interns appoint their own replacements. It’s part of a culture that thrives on empowering staff, getting the best out of them, to the benefit of clients. These guys aremore than digital, they are the future. By Herman Manson