Tech Law: It’s not April Fools’ Day — it’s the FPB

by Paul Jacobson (@pauljacobson) The FPB’s Draft Online Regulation Policy, published in March 2015, picks up where its 2014 Strategic Plan left off and gives more details about the board’s plan in which it declared its intention to combat a terrible modern evil: the internet.

Tech Law: The murky world of audience-data based marketing

by Paul Jacobson (@pauljacobson) No sooner had Facebook announced plans to make users’ data available to advertisers for more targeted advertising, Google is rumoured to have plans to allow brands to use “first party data” for better targeting of search ads.

Tech Law: Has Facebook found the balance between targeted ads and privacy?

by Paul Jacobson (@pauljacobson) While the selection effect remains a challenge, Facebook’s announcements at its f8 Developer Conference recently point to a very interesting solution for the potential privacy problem: a vast database of anonymised data segmented into useful demographics.

Tech Law: Marketers should reconsider targeted online ads

by Paul Jacobson (@pauljacobson) Conventional wisdom in the marketing industry seems to be that better targeted ads are more effective. The problem with a strict opt-in model is that it reinforces your existing preferences without exposing you to alternatives.

Tech Law: Digital marketing should focus on trust, not sales

by Paul Jacobson (@pauljacobson) Digital marketing’s purpose may seem to be persuading customers to buy a brand’s products and services but I am beginning to think that is just a by-product of digital marketing’s true purpose. As new laws such as the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act loom on the horizon and new regulatory models such as the Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) framework begin to permeate the financial services industry, marketers have to start thinking about the bigger picture.

Tech Law: What the tobacco ad ban can teach the liquor industry

by Paul Jacobson (@pauljacobson) If restrictions imposed by the proposed Control of Marketing of Alcohol Products Bill resemble those in the Tobacco Products Control Act, we could see virtually every means of advertising or promoting alcohol beverages being prohibited.

Tech Law: Is your marketing strategy diabetic?

by Paul Jacobson (@pauljacobson) It occurred to me that what most marketers are doing is analogous to what I did for years. I see the big contributor to my diabetes onset as being unrestrained consumption. In a sense, this is what marketers active on the social Web are doing too. They work in a fascinating and engaging space and often do so with little regard to the legal consequences of their campaigns.

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