by Megan Power. Ongoing risk management in a constantly changing environment is not something to leave to IT, board members and cyber security experts alone.
Tag archives: POPI
#Transformers: Tech, data & the looming privacy apocalypse [video]
by Charlie Mathews. In this interview, Arthur Goldstuck speaks about how technology is transforming marketing faster than ever before, and the coming privacy showdown.
Masterclass Notes: POPI, social media & influencers
by Johanna McDowell. Latest learnings and legal lessons on the Protection of Personal Information Act and managing influencers.
By Invitation Only: Lead generation in the age of PoPi
by Gareth Mountain. Lead generation needs to be done correctly, and not many companies spend enough time on honing campaigns.
Masterclass Notes: What POPI means for marketers, agencies
by Johanna McDowell. POPI will probably have a huge impact on both marketers and their agencies.
Tech Law: Marketers should reconsider targeted online ads
by Paul Jacobson (@pauljacobson) Conventional wisdom in the marketing industry seems to be that better targeted ads are more effective. The problem with a strict opt-in model is that it reinforces your existing preferences without exposing you to alternatives.
Tech Law: Digital marketing should focus on trust, not sales
by Paul Jacobson (@pauljacobson) Digital marketing’s purpose may seem to be persuading customers to buy a brand’s products and services but I am beginning to think that is just a by-product of digital marketing’s true purpose. As new laws such as the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act loom on the horizon and new regulatory models such as the Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) framework begin to permeate the financial services industry, marketers have to start thinking about the bigger picture.
Tech Law: Privacy — what do you expect?
by Paul Jacobson (@pauljacobson) We are conflicted about our privacy and, until we decide where to draw the line, those social networks, brands and government agencies are going to continue making decisions about what privacy means to us based on their clearer ideas about what works for them.
Tech Law: How POPI will change your direct marketing activities
by Paul Jacobson (@pauljacobson) The Protection of Personal Information Act has particular interest for direct marketers because of the likely substantial impact the legislation will have on consumer-facing initiatives when it goes into effect. POPI has a section that deals specifically with and introduces a consent model designed for direct marketing. It is an interesting model and I’ll explain why in a moment.
Tech Law: Processing, personal information and direct marketing under POPI
by Paul Jacobson (@pauljacobson) There is a lot more to the anticipated Protection of Personal Information Act and, in this post, I’d like to give you an overview of two further important terms used in the Protection of Personal Information Bill, namely “personal information” and “processing”.