by Mimi Nicklin. Stilted content at speed doesn’t sell, whatever medium we put them on. Stories do.
Tag archives: by Mimi Nicklin
Frank: Why your daughter should be the next performance consultant
by Mimi Nicklin. So, here it is: working motherhood in the ad industry is tough. Really tough. But not in the way the media makes out it to be.
Frank: Kindness & the client‑agency relationship
by Mimi Nicklin. Why is it that, even in today’s transparent society, people think it’s ok to be unkind, simply because the phone call is between two people “at work”?
Frank: How many hands does it take to change a logo?
by Mimi Nicklin. Let’s fix our models of doing business before we spend more of clients’ money trying to fix theirs.
The Surgery: How to choose superheroes over strategy…
by Mimi Nicklin. It’s the end of the year, and it’s too late to start discussing strategy, so let’s talk superheroes instead…..
The Surgery: The age-old ad tactic
by Mimi Nicklin. Car-safety campaigns do this particular tactic notoriously well. But does it work for healthcare?
The Surgery: Creating magical healthcare comms
by Mimi Nicklin. Surely, of all the briefs you could work on, communicating healthcare — our most-precious human asset — is worth getting excited about?
The Surgery: Tech that helps SA consumers cure themselves
by Mimi Nicklin. The biggest opportunity for healthcare providers and suppliers is to recognise the need to empower consumers (and doctors) with self-help tools.
The Surgery: How often do pharma ads take your breath away?
by Mimi Nicklin. Amongst the negative Cannes Lions dramas recently, there is still a whole lot worth talking about.
The Surgery: Making the old new again
by Mimi Nicklin. Have we got “innovation” all wrong?