by Tom Fels. “Advertising? That’s a cutthroat game; I’d steer clear of it if I were you.”
Tag archives: Ad Exec
Ad Exec: Economy putting pressure on marketers & agencies alike
by Tom Fels. Adland is stuck in the middle, where pressure for value delivery is combined with the desire for breakthrough strategy and communication.
Ad Exec: Make pitch season count
by Tom Fels. While met with excitement, any opportunity for growth must be carefully weighed up against the business strategy and existing commitments.
Ad Exec: Lead with perspective
by Tom Fels. There is an adage that sometimes you just ‘can’t see the woods for the trees’.
Ad Exec: Agency fees — performance before profit?
by Tom Fels. If the holy grail is shared value, I have a cat to put among the pigeons…
Ad Exec: Step up and lead, adland
by Tom Fels. We are not only custodians of brands, but storytellers, innovators and purveyors of an optimism that is sorely needed in SA.
Ad Exec: The creative stand
by Tom Fels. Long careers in dusty halls, one-trick ponies and retirement calls. This is not the stuff of the creative class.
Ad Exec: Founding a new commercial model for advertising
by Tom Fels. Worldwide, the message is the same — we’re all looking for the model that will see us sustainably into the future.
Ad Exec: Cracking the code of iconic advertising agencies
by Tom Fels. In the world of advertising, each era is defined by a small number of agencies.
Ad Exec: Creative awards tables — a misguided measure of success?
by Tom Fels. Our awards-show list is becoming endless, calling into question the insular desire for agencies to compete for trinkets to prove their worth.