A kids book for grown ups

Wie is Dit? is a quirky picture book of Bible stories launched earlier this year by Vuvu, an imprint of Electric Book Works. Its PR blurb says the book is being marketed to kids “and inquisitive grown-ups
of all religious persuasions.” But Mark predicts another audience for this book,

Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra says feel something real

This poster campaign done pro bono by Lowe Bull art director Juliet Honey urges people to one again ‘feel something’ in a world of pop and plastic. “The symphony however, is very real – real music played by real people, in real time,” says Honey.

South Africans try to gauge their leaders

An interesting story on the Mail & Guardian Online by Nosimilo Ndlovu titled ‘Political books go pop.’ Ndlovu reveals books about the state of the nation and local politicos are turning into surprised bestsellers.

A future of division, factionalism, stagnation and patronage?

The ANC under Jacob Zuma shows signs of losing its way, says The Economist in its August 7 edition, under the headline “A future of division, factionalism, stagnation and patronage”. Does this headline really reflect the mood of the nation?

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