A kids book for grown ups


Wie is Dit? is a quirky picture book of Bible stories launched earlier this year by Vuvu, an imprint of Electric Book Works. Its PR blurb says the book is being marketed to kids “and inquisitive grown-ups of all religious persuasions.”


Writer/illustrator Louis Barnard is smart, very smart, possibly too smart for the kids. Mark can see how this book can intrigue kids to read up its suggested text and in that sense the concept works very well.


Mark also suspects its real fans will be grown ups gaping at Noah the (rather camp) sailor and giggling at Eve holding an apple pie (remember American Pie?). Kids books for grown ups with Christmas just around the corner – it would be interesting to see if the publisher pursues this market actively or simply allow it to discover Wie is Dit? for themselves.



Published by Herman Manson

MarkLives.com is edited by Herman Manson. Follow us on Twitter - http://twitter.com/marklives

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