by Arthur Goldstuck. The public will soon learn the real meaning of data demand — and pricing models for data will have to change.
Tag archives: broadband
A taste of (fast) things to come
“When are we going to get decent broadband?” is the connectivity question ARTHUR GOLDSTUCK hears most often. He has a few answers.
Data dreams come true
The last two weeks saw massive price cuts in mobile broadband data charges – but a few nightmares still lurk in our broadband bills, writes ARTHUR GOLDSTUCK .
SA gamers punk’d by new broadband provider
The truth is out – the debate that has been raging across the South African gaming community (see below) about who are better gamers – boys or girls – was in fact a marketing campaign planted by new IS broadband provider PLuGG. PLuGG targeted the gaming community as a core niche in its customer base. It planted posts on gaming forums and blogs, and even put out YouTube videos supporting one side or the other, with the help of agency Hello World. PLuGG conceived the campaign to conclude around a first-of-its-kind Girls vs. Guys Game-Off event that was held at the end of 2008.
4,5-million South Africans now online
The number of South Africans now online have risen to 4.5 million. This is the key finding of the Internet Access in South Africa 2008 study, released today by World Wide Worx.