by MediaSlut (@MediaSlut) Sex and nudity sell. Sex and nudity make people talk. Sex and nudity are what it’s all about in this week’s selection of favourite international and local magazine covers… GQ Italia, L’Officiel Hommes, Variety, VOGUE Turkey, and Wonderland.
Tag archives: sex
Yo-Landi Vi$$er we love runs a regular slot featuring the best local and international magazine covers every week. We recognise well thought out, powerful and interesting (and hopefully all three in one) magazine covers and celebrate the mix of pragmatism, creativity and personal taste that created each of them.
Small Screen ‘Sextravaganza’ set to replace Teleshopping
Commercial TV has announced a new focus for 2011. John Doe reports.
“Our growth has been phenomenal over the past year,” says Brent Doss, Commercial TV MD. “Our hard hitting news, socially focused documentaries and the pick of old US sitcoms and movies have clearly delivered what the public wants, and now we’re looking to build on this growth. Consequently, our programming will be moving heavily towards smut as the year progress.”
Mini says stick with one partner on World AIDS Day
This great ad was created for Mini by Black River FC for World AIDS Day. The message – stick with one partner!
God is pro-sex
How to fill a church to capacity and become a media sensation overnight; Ed Young, a pastor from Texas, last week dropped in on South Africa to promote his “Seven Days of Sex” sermon. Basically he challenged members of his congragation to have sex with their partners every day for seven day and promising them …