Bizos rules on contentious EWN cartoon

Primedia’s internal ombudsman, Adv George Bizos, SC, has found that, while Eyewitness News’s recent satirical political cartoon “A Congress of Clowns” “may have been in bad taste and facetious,” there were no grounds for a claim of defamation or racism, and that EWN’s “swift response” had been appropriate.

Shelf Life: Smeg Professional launches in SA

Louise Marsland (@Louise_Marsland)’s weekly pick of recent product, packaging and design launches: new vodka inspires Absolut Elyx luxury lounge; Elizabeth Arden makeup range launches through Salon Media; and Smeg goes professional in South Africa via Munaaz.

Shelf Life: For art — blood, sweat and tears

Louise Marsland’s (@Louise_Marsland) pick of new product, packaging and design launches:

An extraordinary campaign and product created with real bodily fluids; Magnum ice cream feeds your personality; Yum Yum Peanut Butter goes on a 3D ride; and Primedia has even taken over the changing rooms in store.

Shelf Life: Window dressing

Louise Marsland’s (@Louise_Marsland) pick of new product, packaging and design launches: In-store and mall promotions gain traction with Primedia; Nike takes sporting fashion to designer tech highs; a new retail loyalty scheme launches for Pick n Pay, BP customers;and Woodbender weaves a range of seating for office or home.

Prezence promises mobility for the masses

Prezence, the digital agency part-owned by Primedia, has always been proud of its ability in the mobile space, says CTO Tim Bishop, and now, with the appointment of CEO Prakash Patel, it is able to provide a full range of strategic digital solutions to clients.

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