by David Alves. Day… 4965 of lockdown and has anything changed in the media and advertising environment, you may ask?
Tag archives: by David Alves
Hard Relate: A measurement by any other name
by David Alves. There seems to be a glimmer of hope when it comes to transparent measurement.
#CoronavirusSA: Platitudes and perspectives #hardrelate
by David Alves. In the spirit of our ‘new world’, here are a few anecdotes and pieces of tech that you might not have heard of yet that might become the ‘new normal’.
#CoronavirusSA: Make hay while the sun’s online
by David Alves. Businesses that’ve been gearing up to service customer demand via an online offering have the most to gain during this time of need for consumers.
From the outside, looking in
by David Alves. Here are a few key engagement methodologies and tactics that will help you as an agency or supplier to nurture relationships with multiple clients while allowing yourself to be human.
Unlocking the holy grail — data, transparency & value
by David Alves. What’s happened in the pursuit of the holy grail of data is that costs for manufacturers and suppliers have spiraled.