Cheryl Hunter’s weekly pick of all things new in retail — consumer products launches, retail news and FMCG campaigns!
Tag archives: boomtown
Shelf Life: Checkers, PnP again create more nag factor
Retailers use collectibles to drive feet in-store; Engen offers a Formula 1 clean; and First Choice launches winter custard — Cheryl Hunter’s weekly pick!
From bust city to Boomtown
by Herman Manson. What are the odds of building a reputable, national agency out of the Eastern Cape? If you’re Boomtown, very good, apparently.
Shelf Life: SA debuts in Nespresso
Cheryl Hunter (@cherylhunter)’s weekly pick of recent product, packaging, design and food launches: Cape Town cover for Nespresso, Castle Milk Stout is brand of the year, and a treasure trove in the Sunday Times.
#AdoftheYear: South Africa’s 10 Best Ads of 2013 (Part 2)
by Oresti Patricios (@orestaki) [2nd 5 of 10] And the winner is… Here is the second half of my entirely subjective countdown of the best of the Best Ads of 2013. It was a good year, so everyone’s a winner (as they say).
Ad of the week with Oresti Patricios – For Doctors’ Ears Only
This week I want to tell you about an ad that cuts straight through the clutter to reach a niche group with an elegantly simple message. And the target audience is perhaps one of the hardest, most stressed, hard-working and difficult people to reach – doctors.
As everyone knows, South Africa’s public health system is not quite what it should be. For marginalised and rural communities, access to health services is (unfortunately) hopelessly inadequate. This is desperately sad because of the government’s good intentions and the fact that this country has a very competent minister of health. But despite good intentions and excellent policies, and fair budgets being in place, this country is missing a key ingredient to assuring better health care across the country – qualified healthcare professionals.
Approximately 35% of posts in public health are vacant. While equipment and buildings are often well-equipped, because of the lack of personnel, patients are under-serviced, outpatient facilities are crowded and long waiting lists are the norm. Conditions like these often put healthcare professionals off working for the public sector, so growing human resources within the public health sector becomes a bit of a Catch-22.
South Africa’s medical schools are world class, but of the 1200 doctors that graduate each year, half emigrate at some stage in their career. 75% of qualified doctors elect to work in the private sector, and of those who choose the public sector, the vast majority prefer to work and live in urban centres. Less than 3% end up serving rural communities.