#AdForumSummit Day 4 & 5: Europe’s biggest indie agency is in 16 countries

by Johanna McDowell. On the last two days we met with Fly, Serviceplan, the 4A’s, The Escape Pod, The Media Kitchen, MDC and R/GA.

#AdForumSummit Day 3: DAN, IBM iX, Phenomenon & Havas

by Johanna McDowell. “Storytelling”, “narrative”, “agile” and “the holding company model is broken” are words and phrases being said most frequently during this summit.

#AdForumSummit: Reinvigoration through PR, gender balance & trends

by Johanna McDowell. On Day 2 we visited MullenLowe, Project Worldwide, Oath, Kiip, WPP (Mark Read), TBWA and CP+B.

#AdForumSummit Day 1: Pitches now happen in-house at DDB

by Johanna McDowell. DDB was first up and it’s fascinating to see how a leadership change in the past 18 months has changed the way that this agency presents itself.

AdForum Worldwide Summit NYC: Why clients review agencies

by Johanna McDowell. The 4A’s presented top-line results from a recent survey to establish the reasons that clients review their agencies.

AdForum Worldwide Summit NYC: Transformation starts with clients

by Johanna McDowell. Arthur Sadoun’s stance is that transformation starts with the clients and, when they transform, the agency can transform.

AdForum Worldwide Summit NYC: Production, production, production

by Johanna McDowell. Day two’s takeout is simple: if an agency these days doesn’t have in-house content production, it’s not an agency of today.

AdForum Worldwide Summit NYC: Are ‘legacy’ agencies adapting?

by Johanna McDowell. Our expectations were that we’d hear new things from some agencies and updates from the ‘heritage’ agencies.

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