by Johanna McDowell. Here are some early observations from the Scopen agencyScope 2017 fieldwork in South Africa.
Category archives: Masterclass Notes – Johanna McDowell
Masterclass Notes: Procurement’s take on marketers, agencies & 2017
by Johanna McDowell. Procurement experts commented on several issues facing marketers and agencies generally, and then specifically, in 2017.
Masterclass Notes: Building marketing capacity
by Johanna McDowell. Nicola Kleyn, dean at GIBS, delivered her annual lecture/workshop this year on building marketing capacity.
Masterclass Notes: Assumptions derailing relationships post-pitch
by Johanna McDowell. After the pitch, various assumptions may derail your new relationship early on. Here’s how to avoid this happening.
Masterclass Notes: Between the chemistry meeting & the pitch
by Johanna McDowell. It’s best to start thinking about your people, processes and ways of working before the pitch process is complete.
Masterclass Notes: Prepping for the perfect pitch
by Johanna McDowell. Here are seven aspects for marketers to consider before calling for an agency pitch.
Masterclass Notes: What agencies may expect from marketers in 2017
by Johanna McDowell. Six leading marketers discussed their outlook for 2017 and what agencies may expect this year.
Masterclass Notes: agencyScope 2016 SA — what marketers want
by Johanna McDowell. Here are 10 conclusions from agencyScope 2016 South Africa — the first-ever SCOPEN report for the country.
Masterclass Notes: Bullet-proofing your marketing career
by Johanna McDowell. This masterclass, by business coach Elaine Seale-McKend, was all about career planning and ensuring future career growth.
Masterclass Notes: Marketing return on investment
by Johanna McDowell. This time, it was the turn of Prof Nicola Kleyn, dean of GIBS, to discuss return on investment for marketers.