by Carl Cardinelli. That is, if you ever want to produce something semi-unique or #firstever[insertradnesshere].
Tag archives: The Adtagonist
The Adtagonist: A foolproof way to break the internet
by Carl Cardinelli. It’s 2016. Two thousand and sixteen. Am I the only one who is still receiving briefs for “viral campaigns”?
The Adtagonist: You’re fired — love the future x
by Carl Cardinelli. Like you, a burning question keeps me up at night: “What comes next?”
The Adtagonist: My internal tug-a-wards
by Carl Cardinelli. Award shows. Cue Simon and Garfunkel: “Hello darkness, my old friend.”
The Adtagonist: Challenger brands — a (not-so-true) underdog story
by Carl Cardinelli. It used to be shit to be the underdog. Now it’s cool.
The Adtagonist: The problem with millennials
by Carl Cardinelli. Ahh, millennials. The problem isn’t their mindset. It’s yours.
The Adtagonist: Happiness can buy money
by Carl Cardinelli. Do you wake up with unbridled enthusiasm to go to work and see your colleagues? If not, why not?
The Adtagonist: The agency strikes back
by Carl Cardinelli. Am I the only one who feels as if our industry is being held at ransom?
The Adtagonist: Digital — the buzzword that never buzzed off
by Carl Cardinelli. The word “digital” needs to be erased from our vocabulary.
The Adtagonist: Advertising — a lively corpse
by Carl Cardinelli. A funny thing happened to me on the way to advertising. Advertising died.