by Mark Eardley. In this second Q&A with Forrester’s Laura Ramos, we’ll examine how a centric approach may be used to differentiate a B2B enterprise from its competitors.
Tag archives: Forrester
B2B Customer Centricity: Moving from lip-service to full service
by Mark Eardley. In my next few columns, I’ll be asking Laura Ramos, Forrester’s VP and principal analyst serving B2B marketing professionals, about customer-centricity.
Back2Basics: It’s official — a renaissance in B2B is on the way
by Mark Eardley. Isn’t it great when people agree with your thinking? It’s even better when your thinking gets endorsed by a heavyweight such as American research company, Forrester.
The broken brand/agency model can be fixed
by Brigitte Majewski. Here’s a four-step process that B2C marketers may follow to adapt their agency investments in the age of the customer.
Clicks n Tricks: Social advertising — brands to kill golden goose?
by Charlie Stewart. American market research company, Forrester, has increased its forecasts for social adspend in the coming years.