Media corrections and our social reputations

The modern news cycle has been diminished to a matter of minutes — even less on services like Twitter. And it seems to just keep speeding up.

ProJourn supports walk outs

Press statement: The Professional Journalists’ Association condemns ANC Youth League (ANCYL) president Julius Malema’s recent inexcusable behaviour towards BBC journalist Jonah Fisher, whom he had evicted from a news conference, calling him “a bastard” and “a bloody agent”. [Watch the video here]

TopTV launches in SA

On Digital Media (ODM) has finally announced details of its multi-channel television brand TopTV. It offers the first real alternative to the DSTv monopoly. The service will see a staggered roll-out from May 2010 with pricing options ranging from R99 to R249 per month. It will be targeted at customers in LSM5-8.

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