by Carey Finn. The FCB Joburg creative director and Find New Words co-founder has a few words for young women — and everyone else — in advertising.
Tag archives: accountability
The Power Report: Remember who pays your salary
by Megan Power. There’s seldom a day that passes when some public or private organisation selling a product, service or idea leaves you in no doubt that it just doesn’t get it.
Fair Exchange: Marketing glitz & glam vs accounting & accountability
by Erna George. Woe betide the marketer who believes they must lead first and foremost without capability or the weight of the right metrics and accountability.
The accountant in advertising
by Siwe Thusi. Hi, I’m Siwe, the CA(SA) lost gleefully in the world of advertising as a creative.
Agency Life: The importance of accountability
by TJ Njozela. Accountability is something that may really help you if you do it right, so here are a few tips to help you be more accountable.