Shelf Life: Mondelēz SA still playing with pop-up stores

Louise Marsland (@Louise_Marsland)’s weekly pick of recent product, packaging, design and food launches: Oreo launches a delectable pop-up store; Design Partnership deconstructs Doppio Zero; and some of the best recent global brand activity.

Shelf Life: Oreo’s culture-jacking hits South Africa

Louise Marsland (@Louise_Marsland)’s weekly pick of recent product, packaging and design launches: Oreo’s culture-jacking hits South Africa, Lay’s launches a 50%, less fat chip, Shannon’s Merlot released and adidas’ custom designer mag out.

Oreo gets Licked and Liked

What could be less controversial than the iconic Oreo cookie? Well, try an Oreo with rainbow crème filling. Nabisco, a division of Kraft Foods made a calculated marketing move in June 2012—which amongst other things is LGBT Pride month—by posting an image of a pro-pride cookie on their Facebook page. By Oresti Patricios, CEO Ornico

The imaginary cookie had a six-layer rainbow-coloured filling, reminiscent of the pride flag; below was the simple text: “June 25 | Pride”. It went viral, and attracted kudos from the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community.

Within 24 hours, the company’s Facebook post had 177 000 likes, 52 000 shares and 22 463 comments. There were negative remarks from anti-gay commentators, but most of the comments were supportive of Oreo’s marketing intent. And the debate has resulted in free publicity for the product, made by Nabisco, a brand owned by Kraft.

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