Kate Wilson of Women’s Health: “I’m not building a magazine brand”

by Herman Manson (@marklives) While her rivals are seeing circulation declines Kate Wilson, editor of Women’s Health SA, just saw the title’s total paid circulation rise 8.4% year-on-year to reach 78 791. Women’s Health has now overtaken both Cosmopolitan and Glamour’s total paid circulation figures.

But Wilson isn’t building a magazine brand, she says, instead she is building a multi-platform content brand. In fact the Women’s Health SA launched a website in the country before the physical magazine arrived and has built various digital content modules into the Women’s Health brand strategy. Extensions like DVD and booklet cover mounts often draw from other aspects of the business (so a booklet might contain extracts from a book you get to order from the publisher). Next year will see events drawn into the mix.

Of course the brand could also draw on the visibility of sibling Men’s Health which Wilson says helps double the facings of for her magazine.

But ultimately it is the service journalism in the health and wellness field particularly that has near universal appeal. Wilson says she won’t apologise for the ‘layer of superficiality’ in women (or anybody else) wanting to look their best. For Wilson looking your best translates into feeling your best and health, nutrition and weight-loss are all issues we have some control over in a time of great economic uncertainty.

Women’s Health also encourages its resident experts and columnists to maintain media visibility and this network keeps reinforcing the Women’s Health brand where-ever they go.

Kate Wilson on why Women’s Health sells

Women’s Health has by far been South Africa’s biggest and most successful magazine launch over the past 12 months. At the helm stands editor Kate Wilson, whose previous editorships includes Student Life (later SL magazine), House and Leisure and, most recently, Marie Claire.

Wilson moved from Associated Magazines to Touchline earlier this year to help launch what has been described as a “multi-platform brand”, rather than just a magazine title. So far, she’s helped beat Touchline’s internal circulation projections by 35% in a tough economy.

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