Homegrown: Brand-building for busy lives

by Lynne Gordon (@lynne_gordon) Everywhere on the roadside of Mzanzi life are the masters of ‘in-between’ — small businesses that make our busy lives simpler, fast and better. And as our lives grow more manic, it’s brands which enable this seamless flexibility that will create new opportunities to win consumers’ love and loyalty.

Homegrown: #Popup store nation

by Lynne Gordon (@lynne_gordon) From the trendy Union Bar to the #PLAYWITHOREO Pop-up Café, pop-up stores are taking Mzansi by storm and gathering momentum as the new face of instant retail. But pop-up is not new to the backstreets of South Africa.

Homegrown: Lessons from the streetside hair salon

by Lynne Gordon (@lynne_gordon) For marketers, the new marketing landscape requires new skills; for organisations, it demands new ways of working. But for the neighbourhood salon owner, it’s business as usual — providing gritty lessons in the art of customer-experience management.

Homegrown: Lessons from the roadside

by Lynne Gordon (@lynne_gordon) They’re everywhere — small homegrown businesses that pop up along the roadside of busy life in Mzansi. And, for the marketer, closer inspection reveals lessons from the roadside that are as relevant in the boardroom as they are in the backstreets.

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