Animation studio grabs international work, accolades

by Herman Manson (@marklives) Luma Creative Studios was launched in 2001 as a character animation agency just after the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. Paul Meyer, Jason Cullen and Jacques Venter had all been retrenched following the attacks. “We were artists who learned how to do business,” says Meyer of the experience.

Today, Luma Creative Studios is wholly owned and managed by Meyer and Gerhard Painter, who joined Luma about a year after its launch. Following a boom and a bust, the business is once again stable and its management team are dreaming bigger than ever.

CREATIVITY interpreted by 10 ‘younger’ shops

AdVantage decided to give 10 ‘younger’ agency shops an opportunity to portray their interpretation of creativity in advertising today, by giving each one a letter from the word ‘creativity’ and asking them to portray it, on a first response basis… Visually. Graphically. Through words. Whatever. Carte blanche…

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