ANC launches TV election campaign

Together with advertising agency Ogilvy Johannesburg, the ANC has produced four commercials (the first of which you can view on MarkLives!com) that talk to the positive changes ordinary South Africans have experienced since 1994, while acknowledging “there is much more to be done”. Archive material of Nelson Mandela features in the first segment of the …

Zapiro show seeks new platform online

The producers of Z News, a news satire co-developed by award winning South African cartoonist Zapiro, is seeking alternative distribution channels after the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) pulled the plug on the show before the pilot even aired. The SABC reportedly spent close to R1 million on development before the show got canned. Zapiro is often criticised by senior government figures for his politically inconvenient views of Zuma and other members of the ANC leadership.

Palin dragging down McCain – poll

The woman that propelled John McCain back into the US presidential race is now dragging him down in the critical week before election day according to a new poll by the New York Times and CBS News. The poll showed that 59% of voters felt Sarah Palin was not prepared for the job of Vice …

SA politics rebranded?

While the financial world faces what has been described as earthquake promising to re-align world markets a political earth-quake is shaking up South African politics since the Natal High Court ruling slamming President Mbeki for interfering with the prosecution of his rival Jacob Zuma.

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