Creative director running (between meetings)

by Sammy-Jane Thom. Despite incredulous looks from colleagues, I’ve realised that there are, surprisingly, a lot of parallels between running and a day at the office.

Shit is trending at Design Indaba

“Do shit that matters,” declared Bielenberg in the second presentation of Design Indaba 2012. His sentiments echoing the closing refrain of last year’s penultimate speaker, Robert Wong from Google, who beseeched: “Do epic shit.”

Clive van Heerden sees the ‘far-future’ of design

by Herman Manson Clive van Heerden is the senior director of Design-Led Innovation at Philips Design. In its simplest terms, Van Heerden and his team researches how socio-cultural and technology shifts only just emerging today might shape society and the way we live ten or twenty years from now. In 2007, the team’s work on …

Design Indaba 2012: Where it’s at

by Herman Manson. Cape Town is gearing up to host one of the world’s premier design conferences – the 2012 Design Indaba. DI regular and Pentagram partner Michael Bierut will MC this year’s, event alongside Michelle Constant and Khaya Dlanga.

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