by Sean McCoy. Visiting six different countries over four weeks in January gave me time out to stop, smell the coffee and ponder the Starbucks story while doing the obligatory caffeine refuel.
Tag archives: by Sean McCoy
The Real McCoy: The vital role of leadership in internal branding
by Sean McCoy. The Virgin brand is fun, cheeky, challenging, pioneering, reliable and genuine, like its leader.
The Real McCoy: Great spaces – go places
by Sean McCoy. I wonder how many departing employees are asked about how they felt about their workspace during their exit interview?I know what many of their answers would have been.
The Real McCoy: No more staffing around
by Sean McCoy. If I told you that Starbucks wasn’t in the business of selling coffee, you’d think I’d lost it. But they’re not. They’re in the people business, selling coffee.