Grubstreet: At Daily Sun, Tokoloshe stays as reportage deepens

by Gill Moodie (@grubstreetSA) It was odd that the appointment of Reggy Moalusi as editor-in-chief of the Daily Sun and Sunday Sun in October 2014 didn’t get more attention in media circles. This is the mighty Daily Sun after all — the biggest daily in the country with 260 000 circulation and 5.3-million readers.

Media-regulation glee club has a new hit show

n the wake of the massive phone-hacking scandal playing out in Britain, its prime minister, David Cameron, has called for the scrapping of media self-regulation and for stronger press regulation by government.

Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World, one of the largest circulation English newspapers in the world, was found to have hacked the phones of celebrities, politicians, sport stars, even a murdered school girl, victims of the London subway bombings – the list goes on.

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