
by MarkLives (@marklives) The all-star cast of Andy Rice, Sizakele Marutlulle and Jacob Moshokoa reunite for the latest Ad Feature!

Ad Feature team 1 July 2015Having just returned from judging advertising effectiveness at Cannes Lions 2015, Rice unpacks the Grand Prix winner in the category — the massive TV campaign for Volvo Trucks.

For the Wall of Fame or Shame:

Also featured is Facebook’s #CelebratePride.

Enjoy the show!


Ad Feature logoEvery week, discover the highs and lows of advertising in South Africa with The Ad Feature team from Primedia Broadcasting — consisting of ad and branding critic Andy Rice (@ricecommaandy), brand and communications strategist Sizakele Marutulle (@ZDivah), 947 anchor Jacob Moshokoa (@JacobMoshokoa), and producer Gary Oberholzer (@goberholzer). For more, go to

You may also catch Andy on The Money Show on 702 (@Radio702) and Cape Talk (@CapeTalk) on a Tuesday evening just after 7pm for the new feature #ButDoesItWork on The Money Show.

— MarkLives’ round-up of top ad and media industry news and opinion in your mailbox every Monday and Thursday. Sign up here!

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