Design Annotator with Uno de Waal is a new column featuring the top design work from South Africa’s biggest online creative showcase, Between 10 and 5, curated by Publisher Uno de Waal @Unodewaal.
I have no doubt in my mind that anyone who is interested in running a successful creative business would find inspiration and resources from our series of Creative Entrepreneurs. Last week our focus was on fashion start-ups and today we’re bringing you some of the coolest start-ups and projects in the art world. If you are interested in starting your own creative business, or any business at all really, have a look at the course from StartupCherry, a very insightful course on how to start a sure-fire business success.
We also chat to Nick Ferguson, partners with Barry and Jody who are behind some of Cape Town’s most interesting rejuvenation projects. Lastly, we are incredibly excited to see the roll out of the 21 Icons project from photographer and filmmaker Adrian Steirn. His first portrait is of Nelson Mandela and if it’s anything to go by, the next 20 icons will be just as captivating.