Finweek drops adland coverage

by Herman Manson (@marklives) Finweek will no longer be carrying its regular advertising and marketing pages, edited by veteran marketing journalist Tony Koenderman. Finweek editor, Marc Ashton, says the decision was taken in a bid to refine and define the magazine content to ensure that every page plays to its strength in the entrepreneurial/personal finance space and to focus on more “how to” type content in both print and digital formats.

Finweek’s gospel according to Marc

The recent repositioning of business magazine Finweek has upped the stakes in what many consider a rather stale magazine segment. Not that a lot isn’t happening in the business press, or that it isn’t already highly competitive – take the recent entry of Forbes Africa into the fray, or how the tablet market has opened up access to publications such as Bloomberg Businessweek to South African consumers.

It’s just that, for a while now, business media has seemed stale in a time when interest in the economy and business management news has skyrocketed, courtesy of the Great Recession, the sovereign debt crisis, and the ‘double dip’ bogeyman that keeps entrepreneurs awake at night.

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