The Sunday Times has published allegations that the office of Western Cape premier Helen Zille has awarded the province’s communication budget to agency TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris without following proper tender procedures. It values the contract at R1 billion over two years. The newspaper is basing the story on information supplied by an anonymous “whistle-blower.”
Tag archives: da
Read all about it: Post election newspaper front pages
2011 local election newspaper front pages
Playing games with Helen Zille (Punk’d by Chef)
The long-time face of Mr Delivery, the Chef logo, has officially been dismissed after new management took over the business. Here ‘chef’ calls up DA leader and Western Cape premier Helen Zille.
Helen Zille hits below the belt
Talk about cheap politicking. The DA must be taking notes from those megawatt bullshitters over at the ANCYL. The media, with some help from the DA, decided that to produce a kid Jacob Zuma had to have had unprotected sex. Hate to break this to you but sometimes condoms break. It happens. Unless Helen Zille, Leader of the Democratic Alliance, happens to be a webcam buddy with either of the two people involved I suspect it is unlikely she should know what really went down. So to speak.
COPE says vote for hope
Political party Cope has signed up over 5000m2 of large scale nationwide branding which aims to heighten the party’s profile and spur voters to the polls. The numerous large scale outdoor sites can be seen throughout Gauteng, Cape Town and Durban. Network BBDO conceptualised the creative work. Nice to see something other that those boring election posters on lamp posts…