DStv acknowledges promo similarities with iconic Apple ad

“Here’s to the crazy ones… who had the balls to copy one of the greatest commercials ever made.” The Bizcommunity.com peanut gallery was un-amused when Ornico recently picked a DStv promo titled ‘The Dreamers’ as its ‘Ad of the Week’ on its ad showcase on Biz. The promo in question reminds one strongly of a rather iconic ad made by Apple for its successful ‘Think Different’ campaign in the late 1990s. Read the full story here.

The Adolf Hitler, James Dean Mash up

‘Whether its software and microchips or music to swing your hips, we’ve got it.’

That’s the line from one of the ‘mash up’ images in a CNA campaign by Jupiter JHB. The campaign morphs together images of famous people, with some interesting results to make the point of CNA’s wide product range.

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