80 buck notes – win one of 10 sets

Every so often you find a campaign which a jpeg simply doesn’t do justice. You need a hard copy in your hands to admire the detail and the printing or to get a real sense of how effective this can actually be.

One such campaign was created for Art South Africa magazine by Y&R Cape Town. Executive Creative Director Clinton Bridgeford explains the concept: "We created four different 80 buck notes (the price of Art SA magazine) each illustrated by different artists and all carried the line "Get the latest issue of Art SA and see how art is making money, or not". Whenever a customer bought a magazine or book in the store that also sells Art South Africa, the store staff slipped our notes in amongst the customers’ real change.

Executive Creative Director – Clinton Bridgeford
Art Director – Andrew O’Donoghue
Copy Writer – Emily Veitch
Illustration – Word of Art (Faith 47, Paul Senyol, Bison, Wesley Van Eeden)
Printers – Trident Press

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